Monday, July 27, 2009

Bad Children?

Jessica Pierce

Does your child torment the other neighborhood children? Do you constantly find your child teasing your dinner guests? Then you have a bad child. Ok, now what? Well, your child’s behavior cannot be changed, but you can limit the types of social interactions they participate in.

Guests: Only allow them to greet and talk once or twice with guests, then send them on an errand. Studying, getting ready for bed or playing in their room with their toys should keep them occupied until you and your guest are ready to call it an evening.

Family: When the child begins teasing or taunting family members, a simple punishment or distraction will do, depending on the frequency and intensity of the action. If the frequency of teasing is light then simply redirecting the child to another activity such as reading a book. If the teasing is frequent, then a punishment is in order, taking out the trash or washing dishes for a week should be enough.

Just let your child know that they’re loved and cherished. Usually when children feel neglected they act out for attention. Spend time with your child, talking or playing a game. Take a day off and spend it with your child around a campfire or playing chess. Remember, there is no such thing as a bad child, only bad behavior.

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